Rotary Club of Oregon

January 1, 2022

Upcoming Rotary Club Meeting Tuesday Noon
Here is the link for Tuesday's meeting on zoom. Meeting is at 7am at the Community of Life Church next to Bills. If you can't make in person here is the link.
Or the Meeting ID: 997 8510 5670 and password: 524435 if you access the meeting that way.
For this first meeting of 2022 we will celebrate who we are, and look ahead. This will be a follow up on our Visioning meetings in July/August for growth and club health. Please plan to be part of the discussion that morning.
Subway Order Form for Tuesday Meeting
We are still working with Subway to coordinate breakfast sandwiches.  Breakfast will be $5 per sandwich/roll up.  If you would like to order breakfast, Jim will need 3 details from you:
  • How many sandwiches you will need
  • If the sandwich should be a wrap or sandwich (ciabatta bread)
  • What meat you would like on your sandwich (ham/bacon/steak).  All sandwiches have egg and cheese.
**Please call or email Jim by 4PM Monday to place the order with him!  Jim's number is 815-245-8525 and his email is
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
Russell Hampton
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