Rotary Club of Oregon

February 14, 2022

Hey we know that guy! Rotary In The News!
In this week's episode of the Oregon Minute, host Tom Kirchdoerfer interviews Rotary Club of Oregon, President, Jim McCoid.
Upcoming Rotary Club Meeting Tuesday 12:00pm
Here is the link for Tuesday's meeting on zoom. Meeting is at 12pm at the Community of Life Church next to Bills. If you can't make in person here is the link.
Or the Meeting ID: 997 8510 5670 and password: 524435 if you access the meeting that way.
This week Krista Flannigan from Friends of Oregon School District!
Subway for Lunch Tuesday!
We have simplified our Subway ordering process. $5 each person paid on Tuesday.  
Note About Paying Dues - Important:)
If you pay electronically after getting the invoice, please consider paying more than one month of dues when you get the electronic pledge for the month from Quickbooks.  To do that....just change the number dollar amount by multiplying it by however many months you would like to "pre-pay".   
Additionally, If you do not get an invoice on the 1st of every month...please let our Treasurer Andy know by emailing him at and he'll try to help solve why you do not see the invoice.
Please add to your safe sender list or address book.
To view our privacy policy, click here.
102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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